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There are two subjects that attract attention in this world like no other: wealth and health. These two are inexorably linked because of the importance both play in the lives of Americans today. But while many believe these two exist hand-in-hand, they do not. If you doubt which is the most important, just ask anyone in poor health how often they think about finances (unless it's to pay for their poor health). The answer is: they don't think about anything but improving their health- whether that be physical health, or mental, social, environmental, financial, emotional, or spiritual health.

Whealthy Magazine was founded upon the belief that there is no more important asset than your health, and that for someone to live a truly rich and fulfilling life they must pay attention to all of their disparate human needs. Each Whealthy issue is an opportunity for readers to gather that valuable information and to use it. 

Whealthy was originally launched in the Miami Herald, and can now be found in physician's offices, hospitals and clinics across the country. If you're interested in knowing if they're in your town, drop us a line. 


Lastly, we could have easily saved a lot of time and money had we made Whealthy Magazine a digital property only. However, a magazine is literally the last bastion of what readers refer to as "me-time," where they can sit back at their leisure and actually pay attention to what we, and our advertisers, are saying. So an upscale, perfect-bound, glossy physical magazine was the best and only option.

We know our readers love our content because we know it's important and they can't get it anywhere else. Join the revolution, get Whealthy.

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